Tuesday, September 27, 2011

IN THE NEWS:- Renal Cell Cancer Research Update 2011

Renal Cell Cancer(RCC) has been in the limelight recently. Two recent studies provided some interesting links. In a large prospective study, regular use of  NSAIDs was associated with a 51% increased risk of RCC after adjusting for multiple variables, according to a report in Archives of Internal Medicine 2011 issue.
The absolute risk differences for regular users compared with nonusers of nonaspirin NSAIDs were 9.15 per 100,000 person-years for the women and 10.92 per 100,000 person-years for the men. This was an analysis of over >75,000 patients. In addition, longer use of nonaspirin NSAIDs was associated with increasing risk. This is the largest prospective trial to look at this link. 
In another study recently, researchers have identified an association between RCC and multiple myeloma. They looked at over 57,000 patients diagnosed with RCC as a primary malignancy and over 33,000 diagnosed with multiple myeloma as a primary malignancy. The researchers found 88 multiple myeloma cases in the RCC cohort. Multiple myeloma was 1.51 times more likely to be found in RCC patients than in the general population, according to the investigators. They identified 69 RCC cases in the multiple myeloma cohort. RCC was 1.89 times more likely to be present in patients with multiple myeloma than in the general population.
The first study is suggests a link we knew all along but a prospective study confirms it. The second study is novel and not a common association usually thought about. In other words, should we be screening for RCC in MM patients or vice versa?

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