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Sunday, October 24, 2010

FGF-23 and PTH and Bone Disease post transplant

Patients with ESRD have bone disease of various types. The three that are commonly seen are adynamic bone disease, increased bone turnover related or a combination of both.
BMD loss is common complication following kidney transplantation.
Few points to take home from a recent paper published in CJASN 2010, October edition.

1. The bone loss is accelerated in the post transplant period- why? Steroids and perhaps CNI worsen the rate.
2. Other risk factors are pre existing renal disease, hypogonadism, and metabolic acidosis.
3. 90% of post transplant patients have hypophosphatemia( CNI related and or tertiary hyperparathyroidism)
4. Renal phosphate wasting has bad effects  on bone
5. The renal phosphate wasting in part might be caused by elevated FGF23 levels or phosphatonin hormone.
6. PTH levels don't return completely to normal in most transplant patients post transplant
7. FGF 23 levels usually return to normal after one year post transplant
8. A recent study found that a high FGF23 level and low pth at time of transplant are the highest risk of developing bone disease post transplant
9. The most common bone biopsy finding post transplant is adynamic bone disease.

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